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Pippa Graeme

Jobs for March

Updated: Mar 3, 2024

After what was a wet and mild February, the March days are getting noticeably longer, giving us plenty of opportunities to be out in the garden and on the allotment. 

Wet days are perfect for seed sowing and potting on, and yes, it’s acceptable to do this at the dining table! 

The risk of frost is still high, so think twice before putting any tender plants outside.   


IN THEORY the following can be sown outside now:

  • Radish

  • Carrot

  • Beetroot

  • Spring onions

  • Chard

  • Cabbage

  • Broccoli. Other brassicas

  • Peas, Mange tout

  • Broad beans

It's better to warm the soil first using a cloche, or even a compost bag with black side up, and 

wait until mid-March at the earliest.  But if patience is not your forte,  sowing sparingly now, saving at least 2/3rds of the seeds for later sowings.  

The following can be sown indoors in a propagator, heated greenhouse, or on a warm windowsill:

  • Aubergine

  • Tomato

  • Celeriac

  • Chilli

  • Cornichon

  • Kale

  • Broccoli

  • Brussel Sprouts

But be aware that seedlings will need to be protected until the end-April/early May so sow sparingly, unless you have a lot of space, and do a later sowing in April.

Towards the end of March you can start sowing sunflowers and courgettes, but as they germinate and grow quickly, personally I’d wait until April.

Onion sets can be planted out now, and early potatoes in mid-March but be prepared to earth them up as the shoots come up.


  • Climbing beans

  • Runner beans

  • Butternut squash


Remove any remaining perennial weeds from your beds and cover with well rotted manure, home-made compost or other organic matter.  This is what will help our sandy soil retain moisture in the summer as worms will take the organic matter into the soil.   

  • Asparagus plants have shallow roots so weed the beds by hand to keep them weed free.  They are also hungry feeders so be generous with the mulch!

  • Chit seed potatoes in an egg carton on a windowsill to give them a head start. 

  • Encourage the strong growth of chives by dividing the clumps. Trim back sage to encourage new growth.


  • Keep harvesting kale and purple sprouting broccoli through early spring

  • Use any forced rhubarb. Be careful when mulching rhubarb and avoid the crown otherwise the stalks will suffer from mould and the crown is at risk of rotting.


  • Protect the blossoms of early bloomers,  such as apricots and  peaches,  from frost with horticultural fleece 

  • Keep the trunks of fruit trees weed free, and mulch around them with well-rotted manure or compost,  Take care not to mound mulch up around the trunk.

  • Sort out strawberry beds to ensure good cropping later in the year.  

  • It’s the last chance for planting soft fruit such as gooseberries and raspberries to get fruit this season.


Hopefully you’ll be enjoying the first of many spring flowering bulbs in your garden.   The snowdrops are already over. Crocus are close to over and many early mini-narcissus, such as tete-a-tete, are in full-bloom.   Take a note of any colour gaps in your garden now, or take photos, to remind you of what to plant in autumn.

Prune roses now, and hydrangea anytime this month.  Cut buddleia back to 60cm.  Cut back herbaceous perennials and divide any large clumps where you can.

March is the final month for planting bare-root trees and shrubs, but given how mild it’s been, order and plant as soon as possible.  Pot grown plants can be planted anytime,

The lawns are looking green with all this rain, and rather long, so start March with a high cut.  Given the lawn a spring feed.  Prune mop and lace cap hydrangeas, roses and buddliea.


Watch out for toads and frogs coming out from hibernation.  Solitary bees will be out and about on warm days, retuning to their resting places at night, so try not to disturb obvious hibernating spots.  Fox cubs will be born soon, so expect some hungry mother’s out and about.

It’s fairly easy to put a small section of your allotment and garden aside for wildflowers and the natural word.  Pile up any logs, leaves and pruning for insects and small mammals to shelter.   And perhaps plant a small fruit tree on your allotment or something larger in your garden.

Bird nesting season has started so check for any nesting activity before you start any late pruning.  Birds nest in areas of thick ivy, brambles, hedges as well as trees.  Check over bird boxes for damage, fix new ones to a suitable tree or wall away from predators and out of direct sunlight.

Jobs for the Month are written for Weybridge Allotment Holders' and Gardeners' Association (WAHGA), and are tailored to our growing conditions in Weybridge and on the local allotment sites.


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